Wednesday, June 18, 2008

In Rwanda

Landing in Nairobi
Kigali bag claim---- ALL the bags arrived!

We are here! Finally!

The flights went off without a hitch - Kenya airlines was amazing- new huge jetliners, on time, all the amenities. With the time difference it was almost exactly 48 hours of travel time.

We were met at the airport by Karl (the seattle family practice doc) and 3 of the doctors from the hospital. The world is so huge and so small at the same time--- I spotted a young man across the airport wearning an Iowa Hawkeyes shirt- probably donated clothing but unbelievable nonetheless!

The hotel is gorgeous - little rooms and villas in a garden setting- amazing flowers and (very loud) birds. The rooms are clean and bright. The Rwandans take a lot of pride in offering good service- I haven't lifted any bag since I arrived. The people seem friendly and warm overall, the genocide seems inconceivable. Most people speak French, Kenyarwandan and some also speak english. My french is coming back - slowly.
They arranged a dinner for us last night at La Planete- a traditional Rwandan buffet. We met some of the other physicians and workers from HDI. Working along with Karl they have made so many plans for us and are quite organized. It was great to be welcomed in that way.
We were all exhausted so we were glad to get to bed early. We were woken early by the birds-- they're so loud. The sun rises at 6 and sets quickly at 6- were are just about exactly on the equator.

i've learned so much and thought so deeply over the past 3 days.... i didn't anticipate that aspect of it nearly to the degree that i am experiencing it.