Saturday, May 17, 2008

Preparing for the trip to Rwanda

As many of you know I am part of a medical group travelling to Kigali, Rwanda this June. I have created this blog to document my trip and to disperse information about the medical needs in Rwanda.

Our group- MedicalConnections:UJAMA is a diverse group of physicians and allied health care providers based in Spokane, Washington, who will provide healthcare services and training programs for international communities.We now have a team of 18 medical personnel, who will not only see clinic patients, but also do teaching rounds and surgery with the young doctors who are in training at the medical school at the National University of Rwanda. We will be a part of the Rwanda Clinical Faculty Teaching Project at Kibagabaga Hospital in Kigali.The need for advanced and speciality training is huge, as is the need to see and treat the patients who stand in long lines at the hospital clinics.

We are bringing a team that has expertise in general medicine and cardiology, neonatology, obstetrics, women's health care, gynecologic, urologic and general surgery, mental health, STD and HIV and public health educators; this team will not only see patients, but will also teach and provide workshops in specialty areas. This is a site and planning visit as well, as we hope to establish the ongoing partnership that both HDI and UJAMA envision.We are bringing basic medical supplies and equipment on this trip. Obviously the need for monetary support is great as just the list of needed drugs is 20 pages long!! This doesn't even include basic supplies and equipment.

Recently our team attended a meeting with 2 physicians who just returned from Rwanda and worked at Kibagabaga Hospital. They said that the need for basic medical supplies is great. Items such as stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs are in very short supply.

I am working with a medical company to order supplies for our trip. This company has agreed to sell us what we need at a generous discount. Your donations will allow us to bring extra supplies to the doctors and nurses and in turn will help the people of Rwanda have greater access to health care.

For $10 dollars you can provide a fetoscope – a special stethoscope used for listening to fetal heart tones.
For $12 you can provide a stethoscope.
For $20 you can provide a blood pressure cuff or an otoscope.
Additionally, the children of Rwanda need books and learning tools. Suggested donations of $5 will go toward purchasing books, alphabet cards, small toys and other learning supplies.

To donate to the medical supply fund you can send contributions to me. My address is: Sara Holt, 1602 S Monroe, Spokane, WA 99203

Contributions to the Ujama general fund can be sent either to me or to: UJAMAc/o WomanHealth, 910 W. Fifth Ste 510, Spokane Wa 99204

Our group Medical Connections:UJAMA has been granted 501c3 status under Community Minded Enterprises, which means that any contribution to the Ujama general fund will be tax deductible- we will send you a receipt for your donation.

Please forward this information on to anyone who you think might be interested in our trip, or who might like to help! And please check back for blog updates as we near our departure date of June 16th!
