Friday, June 27, 2008

Slower days

Today was slow. We started at HDI where I printed some of the articles that I chose for Monique. I will never complain about my computer being slow again! When we arrived at the hospital it was a new crew working mostly- a few of the same folks.
There were no women in labor. We hung around a while. I met the nursing supervisor Patrick and talked to him about the issues he thought were the most important for the hospital. He felt that they needed help with education, supplies and aseptic technique.
We went over to King Faycal hospital and met the head of the department Dr Javier and FINALLY midwife Beryl who is from New Zealand. I have a meeting with her tomorrow morning which will be wonderful as far as future planning.
In the afternoon we took a short nap and then went to Caplika market- looks like a good spot but not much time. Chez Robert buffet for dinner and then we followed the sound of the drumming at the Mille Colline- another wedding or something. Stood by the pool and watched the dancers and drummers. Caught the moto back- absolutely exhilerating- wish we would have done it earlier! The other folks were waiting for us - we should have called them to tell them we were going to go to the Mille Colline! Drifted up the street for ice cream. Another great day.